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Conferring With the SkyObservatory

Sharpless Sh 2-155 - Cave NebulaEmission Nebula in Cepheus
Also cataloged as LBN 527 & 529
TAK Epsilon 180ED at F2.8

Comet 17P HolmesMeade 16" SCT at F10

NGC 1579 - Northern Trifid NebulaEmission & Reflection Nebula in Perseus
PlaneWave 24" CDK at F4.5

Messier M105Elliptical Galaxy (E) in Leo at right
Also Cataloged as NGC 3379
With Elliptical Galaxy (E-S0-B) NGC 3384 above
and Spiral Galaxy (Sc) NGC 3389 to left
PlaneWave 24" CDK at F4.5

Sharpless Sh 2-116Planetary Nebula in Cygnus
Also cataloged as PK 85+4.1
PlaneWave 24" CDK at F4.5

PK 112-10.1Planetary Nebula in Cassiopeia
Also cataloged as Abell 84
PlaneWave 24" CDK at F4.5

Messier M41 - Little Beehive ClusterOpen Cluster in Canis Major
Also Cataloged as NGC 2287
Meade 16" SCT at F6.5
Last additions |

Sky Shed Summer 2021Photo by Vicki BenoAug 06, 2021

Observatory Summer 2021Photo by Vicki BenoAug 06, 2021

Home Summer 2021Photo by Vicki BenoAug 06, 2021

LBN 249 - Sadar RegionEmission Nebula in Cygnus
with Open Cluster NGC 6910
TAK Epsilon 180ED at F2.8
Reprocessed 09-Dec-2020Dec 09, 2020

NGC 6823Open Cluster with Nebulosity
of NGC 6820
TAK Epsilon 180 at F2.8
09-Oct-2020Oct 10, 2020

Sharpless Sh 2-84Emission Nebula in Sagitta
Also cataloged as LBN 131
PlaneWave CDK 24" at F4.5
19-Sep-2020Sep 20, 2020

Conferring With the Sky 2018Drone photo by Fred Espenak
8-Jan-2018Jul 24, 2020

NGC 4216Spiral Galaxy (SBb) in Virgo
With Spiral Galaxy (SB-c) NGC 4206
PlaneWave 24" CDK at F4.5
12-May-2020May 13, 2020